Farid Hafez

Scholar of Race, Muslims, and Europe

October elections: Beware of Islamophobes

Austria′s election campaign has to date been characterised by cheap propaganda and Islamophobia. Now, just four weeks before people go to the polls, Sebastian Kurz, leader of the conservative OVP, has conceded that coalition with the right-wing FPO is an option. Read full op-ed here

Islamophobia in Europe and the United States

In Spring 2017, I was Fulbright Visiting Professor at the UC Berkeley’s Center for Race and Gender, Islamophobia Research & Documentation Project. Here is an interview with me on the European Islamophobia Report, which was released in march this year, and the role of Islamophobia in the USA. Read here

The Global Muslim Brotherhood Conspiracy Theory

Earlier this year, Ted Cruz introduced a bill for the second time to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. Much of the momentum behind Cruz’s bill is propelled by established anti-#Muslim organizations like the Center for Security Policy, as well as academics. When anti-#Muslim voices lead efforts to implement a counterterrorism policy, one […]

Islamophobie im österreichischen Nationalratswahlkampf

Einen Monat vor der vorgezogenen Parlamentswahl in Österreich schließt der Vorsitzende der konservativen ÖVP, Sebastian Kurz, eine Koalition mit der rechten FPÖ nicht mehr aus. Der Wahlkampf wirft dabei ein Schlaglicht auf populistische Stimmungsmache und islamfeindliche Ressentiments. Hier geht’s zum Weiterlesen!