In the past, far-right parties would have been ostracised, but now it’s a question of how to accommodate them. My latest op-ed for TRT World. Read here
On the rise of Islamophobia in Austria interviewed by National Public Radio
The same vitriolic language pre-war anti-Semites used about Jews is now being used against Muslims in today’s Austria. Both the far right and centrist parties want Jews to join an ‘enlightened’ Judeo-Christian front against the Muslim ‘other’. Read more here
Von der ‘Verjudung’ zur ‘Islamisierung’. Mein Kommentar zum NIederösterreichischen Wahlkampf hier zum Nachlesen
This week, Austria’s new centre-right and right-wing coalition published its programme for government. This programme does not view Muslims through the lens of human rights and freedom of religion as people to be protected and people who are particularly affected by racism. Instead, they are very obviously cast in the role of a potential threat. […]
Mein Kommentar zur Islampolitik im neuen Regierungsprogramm von Türkis-Blau hier zur Nachlese.
My latest op-ed on the Belgium government’s attempt to take control over Brussels’s largest downtown mosque. Read here
Belgium’s government is currently discussing the take over of Brussel’s Grand Mosque. Watch the live debate here
This article discusses Islamophobia in the Visegrad Four Countries and Their Western ‘Forerunners’. Read here
My piece on how the far-right hijacked Poland’s Independence Day can be read here.