At the beginning of October 2014, a social democratic–conservative coalition government in Austria presented a draft for a new Islam Act. The unanimous voice of Muslims and the government declared that the existing Islam Act, which dated back to 1912, was now outdated. The government thus aimed to amend the existing act based on the […]
Watch latest interview on Al-Jazeera English here:
ODVV interview on Islamophobia as a form of structural racism is about power relations. Read here
Sebuah manifesto di Perancis menuntut amandemen Al-Quran dengan menghilangkan beberapa ayat yang mengandung ujaran anti semitisme. Tak pelak gagasan beraroma islamofobia tersebut memicu kontroversi. Komentar Farid Hafez
How can we contextualize the initiative for banning the hijab? What is this ban’s main function? Is this law just another step of introducing discriminatory laws that treat Muslims differently than other religious groups? What can the Islamic Religious Community do about these plans? Read my analysis here
On Wednesday, April 25, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the Trump v. Hawaii case, in which the State of Hawaii is leading a challenge to an executive order preventing most people from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen, as well as certain visitors from North Korea and Venezuela from entering the United […]
On April 21, a manifesto was published in the French daily Le Parisien. It was signed by some 300 prominent people, intellectuals and politicians including former President Nicolas Sarkozy and former Prime Minister Manuel Valls. The manifesto “contre le nouvel antisémitisme (lit. against the new anti-Semitism)” basically stresses an older topic that is regularly popping […]
The paper “Breaking with Austrian Consociationalism: How the Rise of Rightwing Populism and Party Competition Have Changed Austria’s Islam Politics”, which was published in the journal Politics and Religion seeks to explain Austria’s Islam-related politics by first suggesting that it can be best understood in terms of neo-institutionalist path-dependency and consociationalist policy-making. This is due […]
In “Alte neue Islampolitik in Österreich? Eine postkoloniale Analyse der österreichischen Islampolitik” (Zeitschrift für Politik) untersuche ich die österreichische Islampolitik zwischen 2011 und 2017 an den Schnittstellen von postkolonial informierter Politikwissenschaft und Religionspolitik. Mithilfe des Foucault’schen Dispositivs wird die österreichische Islampolitik mittels einer Analyse von Publikationen, Presseaussendungen, Regierungs- und Parteiprogrammen, sowie Gesetzen herausgearbeitet. Vor dem […]