Farid Hafez

Scholar of Race, Muslims, and Europe

Author: fhafez

The French Initiative to Change the Qur’an

On April 21, a manifesto was published in the French daily Le Parisien. It was signed by some 300 prominent people, intellectuals and politicians including former President Nicolas Sarkozy and former Prime Minister Manuel Valls. The manifesto “contre le nouvel antisémitisme (lit. against the new anti-Semitism)” basically stresses an older topic that is regularly popping […]

The Change of Austria’s Islam Politics

The paper “Breaking with Austrian Consociationalism: How the Rise of Rightwing Populism and Party Competition Have Changed Austria’s Islam Politics”, which was published in the journal Politics and Religion seeks to explain Austria’s Islam-related politics by first suggesting that it can be best understood in terms of neo-institutionalist path-dependency and consociationalist policy-making. This is due […]

Postkoloniale Analyse der österreichischen Islampolitik

In “Alte neue Islampolitik in Österreich? Eine postkoloniale Analyse der österreichischen Islampolitik” (Zeitschrift für Politik) untersuche ich die österreichische Islampolitik zwischen 2011 und 2017 an den Schnittstellen von postkolonial informierter Politikwissenschaft und Religionspolitik. Mithilfe des Foucault’schen Dispositivs wird die österreichische Islampolitik mittels einer Analyse von Publikationen, Presseaussendungen, Regierungs- und Parteiprogrammen, sowie Gesetzen herausgearbeitet. Vor dem […]

Hip-Hop, Malcolm X, and Muslim Activism in Austria

Here is an article published in the Journal of Austrian-American History, which analyzes how hip-hop as a social movement influenced youth with a Muslim religious background in Austria. The study examines the influence of African American activist Malcolm X, a central figure in hip-hop culture, on young people in Austria in the 1990s, and specifically […]